Rhinoplasty – surgery of the nose

Cosmetic surgery of the nose is a surgery performed under general or regional anaesthesia. Most often it consists in surgical incisions made inside the nose (they are invisible after the surgery). The surgery takes up to one hour. The patient needs to stay in the clinic for about 1-3 days. Treatment until the removal of the dressing may take up to 10 days.

Before the surgery it is necessary to consult a specialist in the field of plastic surgery. During the consultation the patient presents his or her suggestions and wishes as regards the shape of the nose. The shape of the nose must be suited to the patient’s shape of the face, therefore the surgeon draws a few propositions of the nose. In case of post-traumatic deformations of the nose the surgery aims at reconstructing the nose, therefore it is advisable to bring a photo of the nose made before the accident. After the plastic surgery patients may expect swellings and bruises on eyelids. Setons which make nasal breathing impossible are placed inside the nose and a gypsum splint fastened to the body and cheeks is applied on the nose. The nose may be slightly swollen for a month or couple of months.

Price: 1.900 – 2.300 GBP.

Warning! In the case of operations carried out for foreign patients require longer (up to 10-14 days) stay in Poland, for safe and complete withdrawal of all actions associated with the ongoing operation.

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