
Discopathy is a pathological condition of the intervertebral disc characterized by the abnormal movement of the nucleous pulposus and simultaneous loss of its symmetrical shape. It us usually cased by the pathology of the annulus fibrosus. Discopathy has different stages of advancement and symptoms characteristic for each of them. Discopathy is a disease in which early rehabilitation or surgery bring very good results. In some patients the symptoms caused by discopathy subside spontaneously, however in most patients from this group occur further incidents requiring treatment, Conservative treatment is proposed to all patients in which the anulus fibrosus didn’t break, regardless of the degree of damage. In conservative treatment of key importance are physiotherapeutic methods.

In cases in which conservative treatment has failed, as well as cases in which patients do not qualify for conservative treatment (less than 5% of patients), surgical intervention is proposed, usually discectomia, i.e. removal or part of the nucleus pulposus which pinches the nerve root or sometimes also the dural sac which surrounds the spinal cord or spinal nerves. In not very advanced cases in which there is absence of motor nerve discorders (paresis, paralysis) and the patient’s main problem is chronic pain, contemporary spine surgery has a number of minimally invasive procedures, such as microdiscectomy, endoscopic discectomy or percutanous low-temperature coblation (nucleoplasty) of the intervertebral disc. The indications for surgery are pain symptoms of at least six week duration.

In our clinic we effectively treat all kinds of discopathy treatments. More information about the surgical treatment of discopathy can be found in the back surgery section.

To obtain more information about the procedure performed in our clinic, please contact us.

Warning! In the case of operations carried out for foreign patients require longer (up to 10 -14 days) stay in Poland, for safe and complete withdrawal of all actions associated with the ongoing operation.

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Projekt Unijny - Logotypy

Regionalny Program Operacyjny Województwa Śląskiego na lata 2014-2020